The Dragon’s Lair Gallery has been transformed into a magical garden display, which includes flowers, vegetables, animals, and teddy bear’s picnic scene – and they are all knitted! The exhibition was created by the Griffith Natty Knitters group, and was first exhibited at Griffith Regional Art Gallery in 2010. It took 2 years, over 25,000 grams of yarn, and the input of hundreds of people to complete. The Knitted Garden is artwork of a different kind – and you can see the hours of painstaking work that went into creating each design. Some patterns were developed through trial and error, or were sent through from friends and relatives overseas.
The exhibition will be on show until Sunday 24 June, and volunteer knitters will be onsite most afternoons and weekends. Why not join Penshurst Purlers as they knit squares for Wrap With Love on Thursday 21 June from 2.00 – 3.30pm? For bookings or further information, please contact the Museum & Gallery on 9330 6444 or by
You can see the exhibition during our opening hours Tuesday – Saturday 10.00am – 4.00pm, Sunday 2.00pm – 5.00pm, and other times by appointment.
Dragon’s Lair Gallery
Hurstville Museum & Gallery
14 MacMahon St, Hurstville
Photographs courtesy Griffith Regional Art Gallery